Sunday, December 18, 2011

Ron and Elda

Painting from a old black and white photo for my daughter-in-laws 
Christmas gift to her mother

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

New Stuff

Here are the latest pieces i have been working on for my upcoming show at Zions bank downtown. I am really excited to be able to show all these new works!  

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Native Woman in Corn Patch

Native women image from Edward Curtis historical photographs. 

Native girl

Native girl from Black and White Edward Curtis historical image. 

Jessie in the Wind

Image caught by Jessie on her cell phone. When i saw it i just had to paint it. I may try it again in different colors, i just love the motion in the image. 

Two Mules and Bob

This picture was taken on a day trip into the Unitas as we returned from Pinto Lake. It was in September and we heard Elk bugle and i enjoyed being on a horse ride with my big brother and daughter Jessie, good memories made into a painting!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

                                                  Teddy Bear Party at My house
                 I lined up all the kids little bears collected through the years and had a little party! This is now hanging in my grandchildrens bedroom, where there is always a party going on. 

                                              " She plays the guitar"
                           This reminds me of my love for music and my other passion for playing guitar and singing. 

                                                     Lucy White Wright (age 18-20)
                         Also Known by many as Grandma Lucy, born and raised in Brigham City, Utah. An elect lady who raised 4 marvelous children that loved to sing, ride horses, and have many memories of good times at home that they passed on to their children.  Grandma was beautiful inside and out.

 "Little  Haole Wahines"

Jamie and Jessie posing after Mom & Dad's first trip to Hawaii. 

"Little Wahine girl"
This image reminded me of some of my sweet part polysenian granddaughters.  

Abstract still life
Sunflower Days
Tulips and oranges
"Learning the surf"
Kauai Photo on the beach

"Two Bears"
Small party of Bears hangin' out.

"The Captain"
Painted along with Richard Schmit video. 

                                                   Native Women Shepherding
Taken from a Black & white historial photo. 

Title unknown
Copy of a unknown painting. Wanted to try a western still life. 

Grandson Michael age 2 Photo by Jessie Shurtleff

"Red head girl"

Granddaughter Lealani age 1

"Kauai Swan"
Photo taken by John while eating Sunday Brunch at the Hyatt on Poipo beach

Native warriors in shadow


End of the day

                                                             Racing from the sky
